NEW Album: Chrysalis

I am incredibly excited to announce that today is the day that my new album ‘Chrysalis’ is released into the world! It has been a long time in the making, having recorded it back in 2021, which makes it all the more special to finally be able to share it with you!

Some important people to thank…

Firstly, to Jay Davis, Huw V Williams, Rupert Cox and Alec Harper for your inspiring musicianship and dedication to bringing my tunes to life on this record!

To Adriana Jaros for her unique, imaginative and beautiful artwork.

To Pedro Velasco and Harry Christelis for their artful camera work in the studio. (This clip shows part of what they captured!)

To Ben Lamdin for engineering the recording and mixing the album.

To Carvery Studio for mastering this record.

And finally, to Jordi Pujol and the team at Fresh Sound New Talent for believing in the music and helping to release it into the world.

You can stream the album here:

Or buy a CD here:

Date for the diary: Thursday 14th of December, Chrysalis album launch at Vortex Jazz Club. Hope to see you there!

- Mike


Chrysalis 2024 Tour


Paper Plane Pilot